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Rail Impacts

EU Transport Commissioner calls for own resources from the sector

EU Transport Commissioner Adina Valean dampens expectations of the rail industry that the public sector will provide more and more funds to finance new technologies such as the European train control system ERTMS or the Digital Automatic Coupling.

28. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Siemens supplies signalling technology for Northumberland Line

The British infrastructure manager Network Rail has awarded Siemens Mobility a contract to supply signalling and control equipment for the Northumberland Line project to reintroduce passenger services on the freight line between Newcastle and Ashington from 2024.

25. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Moscow: Driverless trams and taxis from 2023?

At a congress on the future of autonomous means of transport, Moscow's deputy mayor Maksim Liksutov said that driverless trams could go into test operation in the Russian capital at the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023.

24. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Hitachi Rail's DSTW receives German approval

The German Federal Railway Authority (EBA) and Deutsche Bahn (DB) have approved and accepted Hitachi Rail's digital interlocking system (DSTW). The tests were carried out in the Hitachi laboratory in Munich.

16. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

ProRail wants to accelerate ERTMS introduction through innovations

The Dutch railway infrastructure operator ProRail is currently working at full speed on the introduction of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS).

16. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Alstom to supply CBTC for Turin Metro

Alstom will equip Line 1 of the Turin Metro with a CBTC system. The contract with the municipal company Infra.To includes the development, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of the control system.

15. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Passenger service of digital S-Bahn Hamburg to start later

The passenger deployment of the four digital S-Bahn trains on Hamburg's S-Bahn is currently planned for the month of March. This was announced by Deutsche Bahn upon request.

15. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Further ATO trials by NS and Arriva

Dutch state railway NS and Arriva Nederland are planning new tests of automatic train operation (ATO) for summer 2022. The tests, in cooperation with infrastructure manager Prorail will take place between Groningen and the sidings station De Vork in Haren.

15. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Spain may subsidise on-board equipment for ETCS

The European Commission has authorised, under EU state aid rules, a Spanish scheme worth EUR 30 million to remove obstacles to the interoperability of rail freight services in Spain.

14. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Bane NOR receives European Railway Award for ERTMS implementation

For its pioneering role in the introduction of the European train control and management system ERTMS, the Norwegian state railway infrastructure operator Bane NOR has received the "European Railway Award 2022".

10. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Siemens Vectron with ETCS approval in the Czech Republic

Die Siemens Vectron-Lokomotiven dürfen in Tschechien jetzt unter ETCS-Überwachung eingesetzt werden.

09. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Cooperation of engineering offices in ERTMS planning for ProRail

On behalf of the Dutch infrastructure operator ProRail, four engineering companies have jointly prepared the design planning for the ERTMS equipment of the line from Kijfhoek to the Belgian border.

08. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

SpaceX engineers develop autonomous rail vehicles

When SpaceX engineers join forces to form a new company, technological innovation is highly likely. The Californian start-up Parallel Systems is dedicated to developing autonomous rail vehicles for freight transport.

03. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

LTE coverage achieved on all German ICE routes

Full coverage with LTE (4G) is now said to be guaranteed along the ICE routes in Germany. This is shown by the Federal Government's answer to a parliamentary question from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group.

02. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

CBTC introduced in the core section of S-Tog Copenhagen

The core section of the Copenhagen S-Tog network has now been converted to the new CBTC system. Siemens Mobility is converting the 170-kilometre route network section by section for the infrastructure operator Banedanmark.

01. Februar 2022