11.09.2019 | twelve, Wien

Railway Diagnostic and Monitoring Conference 2019


Although there exists a well-established awareness regarding safety and availability, the efficient management of rolling stock and infrastructure is still in an early phase of development. Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is based on exploiting data from Diagnostic and Monitoring Technologies (DMT) in order to achieve higher efficiency targets in maintenance processes.

When analysing the general trend in Europe for implementing CBM one can observe a heterogeneous landscape developing at different speeds in various railway organizations. The 2019 edition of the Railway Diagnostic and Monitoring Conference will focus on the application of state of the art monitoring equipment at European railways including a technical visit to a wayside Checkpoint of ÖBB’s current DMT Lighthouse project.

It will reveal the necessity of a high performance technical architecture in Monitoring Equipment as a prerequisite for Predictive and Condition based Diagnosis as well as the value of using Combined Data from different sensor technologies.

Providing another viewpoint, in comparison to Europe, the conference will present the latest achievements of DMT applications in North America, where Railroad Operators have implemented a consistent Tagging System (RFID) to their vehicles which supports precise matching of data from different measuring sources as well as long term trend evaluation. Condition Monitoring of Infrastructure and its correlation with rolling stock operations will complement the agenda of this event.

The conference follows on two successful WTMS Conferences organized by Eurailpress in previous years, but the new edition will have an extended focus on monitoring and diagnostics in the railway sector. It is expected that the conference will provide answers to the following questions: What are the latest developments in Railway Diagnostics and Monitoring Systems? What future prospects can be expected? And what has been the experience of users so far?