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Rail Impacts

Metrô BH receives ATO

Metrô BH, a company of the Brazilian Grupo Comporte, has signed a contract with Alstom for the supply of a new signalling system and operations control centre (OCC) for Line 1 and its extension, as well as for the new Line 2 of the metro in Belo Horizonte, the capital city of the state of Minas Gerais in south-eastern Brazil.

16. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

Digital ICE maintenance

Deutsche Bahn is now using robots and artificial intelligence (AI) in the operational maintenance of ICE trains.

13. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

BMDV commits to ETCS vehicle funding - the "how" should be decided in four to six weeks

The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) is committed to promoting the upgrade of existing vehicles with ETCS on-board units (ETCS-OBU). This was reported to Rail Impacts from ministry circles.

12. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

BAV develops guideline on cyber security

The Swiss Federal Office of Transport (Bundesamt für Verkehr - BAV) has issued a new guideline on cyber security entitled "Guideline on Railway Cyber Security".

11. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

20th anniversary of the ETCS test train

For two decades now, a Desiro Classic test train with Trainguard® equipment (VT 1.0/1.5 ETCS) from Siemens Mobility has been in operation for practical testing on lines equipped with ETCS Level 1 or Level 2.

10. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

Point maintenance: New possibilities in condition monitoring

Point machines are devices used to control the movement of points. Their main function is to align the points or rails of a turnout to the desired position so that trains can continue on a particular track or be diverted to another track.

09. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

Railway companies rely on robot dogs

Reducing workload, relieving employees: these are among the goals of a test project in which Deutsche Bahn (DB) is using a dog-like robot. A feasibility study on the use of "Spot" in the railway sector has also already been carried out by the Berlin-based LAT Group.

21. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Nevomo seeks partners to test booster technology on passenger trains

After successful tests of Nevomo's booster technology on goods trains, the start-up is looking for a partner for tests on passenger trains.

20. September 2023
Rail Impacts

GSM-R for the Romanian railway

The Romanian railway company CFR (Căile Ferate Române) has signed contracts with Kontron Transportation GmbH and Thales GTS România S.R.L. for the implementation of a GSM-R system (Global System for Mobile Communication - Railway) in Romania in the low double-digit million range.

13. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Problems with ETCS

After several trains were unable to run on the new Wendlingen - Ulm line due to problems with the ETCS system, DB has now admitted to the problems.

13. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Railway industry demands reliable financing perspectives for ETCS expansion

The VDB has criticised the lack of reliable financing perspectives for the expansion of ETCS and other digitisation projects in the rail sector.

12. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Three companies qualified for vehicle delivery

In the "competitive dialogue", three manufacturers (consortia) have qualified for the delivery of up to 226 new S-Bahn trains for Copenhagen.

11. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Levitating trains - Nevomo reports successful tests

The Swiss-Polish start-up Nevomo claims to have levitated a vehicle over tracks for the first time. A driving speed of 135 km/h was achieved, the company announced during a press conference in Brussels, which was broadcast live on the internet. At the event, the company also showed a video of a vehicle hovering a few millimetres above the tracks. This success was achieved on the company's test track in Nowa Sarzyna, Poland.

11. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Smart way to monitor rail performance

Amsted Digital Solutions IQ Series gateways provide insights such as real-time location, impact detection and charge status, and can be configured to include Bogie IQ™ wheelset and brake condition monitoring.

08. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Unauthorised persons stopped trains by radio signal

At the end of last week, more than 20 trains in Poland were stopped by radio signal.

29. August 2023