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Rail Impacts

DSD costs 60 billion euros - proposal for less "first of class"

The Digital Rail Germany (DSD) project, the complete renewal of the control and safety technology with conversion to digital interlockings and ETCS without signals, will be more expensive than previously officially stated.

22. November 2023
Rail Impacts

Rostock: IT attack at RSAG

Rostocker Straßenbahn AG (RSAG) has fallen victim to a cyber attack on its IT systems, as the company announced on 18 November 2023.

21. November 2023
Rail Impacts

FOT: New ERTMS strategy published

The Swiss Federal Office of Transport (FOT) recently published an updated ERTMS strategy.

20. November 2023
Rail Impacts

Germany’s rail transport - quo vadis?

The rail industry is dismayed by yesterday's (15 November 2023) Federal Constitutional Court ruling on the lawsuit filed by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group regarding the so-called Second Supplementary Budget Act 2021.

16. November 2023
Rail Impacts

ETCS retrofit without manufacturer involvement

For the first time, two DB Cargo locomotives have been retrofitted with ETCS without involving the locomotive manufacturer.

15. November 2023
Rail Impacts

Type 5 tests - buffer creation possible

At the beginning of November, the functions of the DAC (Digital Automatic Coupling) Type 5 were tested in the Muttenz marshalling yard near Basel.

13. November 2023
Rail Impacts

Innovative wildlife detection solution

Alstom and Flox Robotics, a Swedish provider of WMaaS (Wildlife management as a Service) solutions, have presented a joint strategy to tackle a major problem in the railway sector: Collisions with wildlife.

07. November 2023
Rail Impacts

New control system for the SOB

The Berlin-based company PSI Software SE has received an order from the Swiss Südostbahn AG (SOB) to supply the PSIcontrol 4.9 control system.

02. November 2023
Rail Impacts

New analysis platform for more safety in railway operations

A new platform using advanced analytics and machine learning will provide automatic incident alerts and previously hidden data to improve the safety and operations of UK railway operations.

01. November 2023
Rail Impacts

Railway regulations modernised

Poland has amended regulations on railway traffic.

01. November 2023
Rail Impacts

WESTbahn: Cyber attack on IT systems

The Austrian railway company WESTbahn announced on 25 October 2023 that there was a "cyber incident in the IT systems of WESTbahn" on 19 October 2023.

25. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

"There will be a rush for the technology".

Ulf Klaua is Director Sales at the Voith Group, one of the four manufacturers of the future Digital Automatic Coupling (DAK). Klaua describes what companies should do today to prepare.

24. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

VTG/PJM: Automatic brake testing system as an equipment option

Automatic brake testing is an important factor in the preparation of goods trains. Since 2017, the technology developed by PJM and SBB Cargo has been successfully tested in pilot trains.

24. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

India's first semi high-speed regional train inaugurated

In India, the so-called NaMo Bharat was inaugurated last week. This is the first section Duhai - Sahibabad (17 km) of a corridor between Delhi and Meerut.

24. Oktober 2023
Rail Impacts

VTG Rail UK and Knorr-Bremse trial iWagon

VTG Rail UK, the UK's largest private freight wagon hire company, and Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems UK are jointly trialling the UK's first digital freight wagon.

20. Oktober 2023