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Ihre Ergebnisse: 135 Nachrichten

Rail Impacts

Passenger service of digital S-Bahn Hamburg to start later

The passenger deployment of the four digital S-Bahn trains on Hamburg's S-Bahn is currently planned for the month of March. This was announced by Deutsche Bahn upon request.

15. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Hitachi Rail's DSTW receives German approval

The German Federal Railway Authority (EBA) and Deutsche Bahn (DB) have approved and accepted Hitachi Rail's digital interlocking system (DSTW). The tests were carried out in the Hitachi laboratory in Munich.

16. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Moscow: Driverless trams and taxis from 2023?

At a congress on the future of autonomous means of transport, Moscow's deputy mayor Maksim Liksutov said that driverless trams could go into test operation in the Russian capital at the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023.

24. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

EU Transport Commissioner calls for own resources from the sector

EU Transport Commissioner Adina Valean dampens expectations of the rail industry that the public sector will provide more and more funds to finance new technologies such as the European train control system ERTMS or the Digital Automatic Coupling.

28. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Mitsubishi wins CBTC contract for Metro New York

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has been awarded a contract to supply a CBTC system for the eastern section of Metro New York's Queens Boulevard Line (QBL).

01. März 2022
Rail Impacts

Alstom to supply CBTC system for M12 metro line in Istanbul

Alstom will supply a CBTC system and the electromechanical infrastructure for the new M12 Ümraniye – Ataşehir – Göztepe metro line in Istanbul.

02. März 2022
Rail Impacts

"Rail operators lack incentives to convert"

Matthias Ruete has been the European coordinator for the introduction of ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) since 2019. In an interview with Rail Impacts, he talks about the state of expansion, problems with the roll-out and measures with which the EU wants to accelerate the introduction.

02. März 2022
Rail Impacts

Kontron installs and operates radio system for Grand Paris Express

Kontron Transportation has been awarded a contract by La Société du Grand Paris (SGP) to supply, install and maintain the operational radio system for Line 18 of the Grand Paris Express project.

03. März 2022
Rail Impacts

German EBA considers series approval necessary again for rapid ERTMS rollout

The German Federal Railway Authority (EBA) is calling for the reintroduction of series approval in order to be able to quickly put rail vehicles back into service after an ERTMS retrofit.

24. März 2022
Rail Impacts

Ricardo becomes AsBo for automation of the Copenhagen S-Bane

Ricardo Certification has been appointed as the Assessment Body (AsBo) for the transformation of Copenhagen’s S-Bane railway into a fully automated system.

29. März 2022
Rail Impacts

“Foster interactions at all levels”

From 26 to 28 April 2022, the ERTMS Conference 2022 of the European Agency for Railways (ERA) will take place in Valenciennes, France. The focus will be on current findings and developments around the implementation of ERTMS, but also on the revision of the TSI CCS. In the run-up to the conference, Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director of ERA, gives an outlook on the event.

30. März 2022
Rail Impacts

Danish units no longer in Germany after ETCS installation

The 17 type IC3 diesel multiple units of the Danish State Railways (DSB) equipped with the German safety system Indusi/PZB will lose their approval for Germany after the installation of ETCS on-board devices.

07. April 2022
Rail Impacts

Czech Pendolino to be equipped with ETCS

The seven Pendolino trains of the Czech State Railways ČD (series 680) from Alstom are getting ETCS equipment. The supplier is the ČD subsidiary ČD Telematica.

22. April 2022
Rail Impacts

Czech CityElefants get ETCS equipment

The electric trains of the series 471 of the Czech State Railways ČD, also called CityElefant, will be equipped with ETCS.

09. Mai 2022
Rail Impacts

ERTMS conference explores rollout strategies and ‘game changer’ enhancements

More than 500 delegates converged on Valenciennes end of April for the 2022 ERTMS Conference organised by the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA).

10. Mai 2022