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Rail Impacts

EU Transport Commissioner calls for own resources from the sector

EU Transport Commissioner Adina Valean dampens expectations of the rail industry that the public sector will provide more and more funds to finance new technologies such as the European train control system ERTMS or the Digital Automatic Coupling.

28. Februar 2022
Rail Impacts

Federal government supports project to expand 5G on railway lines

The "Gigabit Innvation Track -GINT" project is intended to provide new insights into the nationwide expansion of 5G on railway lines. A test track is also planned in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

15. Juni 2023
Rail Impacts

First ETCS retrofit order in Switzerland

Stadler has received the first order for an ETCS retrofit in Switzerland from Müller Technologie AG.

30. November 2022
Rail Impacts

First of Class BR 101 converted for ETCS Baseline 3

The conversion of the first class 101 locomotive to ETCS Level 2 Baseline 3 Release 2 was completed at the Dessau plant on 12 December 2022.

16. Dezember 2022
Rail Impacts

Five applicants for LST/CCS contract

Five international bidders are vying for the contract for Rail Baltica's control-command and signalling (CCS) subsystem.

24. April 2023
Rail Impacts

Five applicants participate in Rail Baltica tender

Five international bidders are vying for the contract for Rail Baltica's control-command and signalling (CCS) subsystem. The project also includes ETCS and FRMCS.

08. April 2023
Rail Impacts

FOT: New ERTMS strategy published

The Swiss Federal Office of Transport (FOT) recently published an updated ERTMS strategy.

20. November 2023
Rail Impacts

Funkwerk significantly increases consolidated profit in 2021

Funkwerk AG closed the 2021 financial year with significant growth.

06. Mai 2022
Rail Impacts

Germany’s rail transport - quo vadis?

The rail industry is dismayed by yesterday's (15 November 2023) Federal Constitutional Court ruling on the lawsuit filed by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group regarding the so-called Second Supplementary Budget Act 2021.

16. November 2023
Rail Impacts

GSM-R subsidy applications only until the end of the year

The Federal Government grants a proportional subsidy for the replacement of existing GSM-R radio modules with interference-resistant (hardened) GSM-R radio modules or for the installation of corresponding filters.

13. Dezember 2021
Rail Impacts

GTS-Übernahme: Hitachi startet wieder Verfahren

Hitachi Rail hat erneut seine Fusionsanmeldung bei der EU-Kommission eingereicht. Damit wurde das Genehmigungsverfahren für die Übernahme des Geschäftsbereichs Ground Transportation Systems (GTS) von Thales in der EU wieder eingeleitet.

25. September 2023
Rail Impacts

Hitachi Rail to supply signalling equipment for Chennai Metro

Hitachi Rail hat einen Vertrag über die Lieferung digitaler Signaltechnik für Phase 2 des Chennai Metro Rail Projekts unterzeichnet.

28. März 2023
Rail Impacts

Hitachi to continue operating fully automated metro for Riyadh Women's University

Hitachi Rail will continue to operate and maintain the fully automated metro system at Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

24. Januar 2022
Rail Impacts

Huber: Binding ETCS rollout schedule necessary

In his function as the new chairman of the DVF steering committee for rail transport, Berthold Huber, member of the DB infrastructure board, has called for a binding timetable for the rollout of ETCS.

02. Juni 2023
Rail Impacts

IEC 62443: Siemens Mobility certified

Siemens Mobility has received three new certifications by Germany’s TÜV SÜD for meeting the international cybersecurity standard IEC 62443.

27. September 2022