09.-10.11.2023 | Maritim Hotel am Schlossgarten, Fulda
Deutsche Version23nd International SIGNAL+DRAHT-Congress 2023
The interaction between vehicle and trackside installations plays an important role in the digitalization of control and command technology and of rail transport as a whole. Following an overview of the basics, the 23nd International SIGNAL+DRAHT Congress will focus on this subject through concrete examples. On the first day of the congress the presentations will range from questions of interaction with ATO over ETCS and CBTC to dealing with branch lines. The panel discussion will then illuminate the question of the overall railway system once again, from different perspectives.
The second day will also deal with communication between vehicle and infrastructure. After a brief look at developments in road traffic, the focus will switch to the use of 5G and the future role – and safety – of mobile radio networks. Using project reports on the CCS-related aspects of Digital Automatic Coupling and the Brenner Base Tunnel, a look at practical application will round off the program.
This year‘s congress will also include the presentation of the SIGNAL+DRAHT Lifetime Achievement Award to an outstanding personality in the CCS industry.
Besides the possibility of attending the congress in person in Fulda, with the opportunity for exchange and personal discussions, participation can also be digital via livestream.